Browney Academy_HR_-50

Year 1

In Year 1, children make the move from EYFS by building upon the many experiences they gained in reception, whilst introducing them gradually to a more formal structure for learning.

In Year 1, children make the move from EYFS by building upon the many experiences they gained in reception, whilst introducing them gradually to a more formal structure for learning.

We aim to ensure that each child makes a smooth transition with a continued love of learning, therefore children are still engaged in lots of practical, hands on activities, using a range of resources to develop concepts.  

Phonics is a hot topic in Year 1. Children continue phonics learning each day in fun, pacy sessions. They learn tricky words, spelling rules and how to sound out and blend to aid them with their reading and writing. In the summer term, each child’s phonic knowledge is statutorily assessed.

In English, children learn to read and write more complex sentences. They are taught basic grammar and punctuation, learn to use exciting vocabulary – all while improving handwriting too.

Year 1 maths is enjoyable, with plenty of hands on activities.  Children will count forwards and backwards up to 100.  Number bonds are reinforced and children discuss and solve problems in familiar practical contexts, including using quantities. Children learn to count forwards, backwards, in 2s, 5s, 10s and they will double and halve.

We expect children to continue to develop their independence and self-confidence during the year in order to have a positive and rewarding time throughout Year 1.

What their teacher says...

Teaching the Year 1 children is such a delight as they are so enthusiastic and imaginative! It is essential for me that the Year 1 classroom is a welcoming, happy environment in which children feel safe and inspired to learn

What the children say:

I love topic lessons because they are so much fun and you can learn really interesting things.(Isabelle) Year 1 is really good because my teacher is nice and helps us do well. (Oliver) My favourite thing to do at school is maths. I always try my best and like the challenges in lessons. (Charlie)
For curriculum information and knowledge organisers, please visit the curriculum section of our website.