

We welcome anyone considering applying to Browney Academy to come and visit our school and see first-hand why it is a great place to send your child in their vital formative years. Please contact our school office directly and we will be happy to arrange a visit.

Admissions to Reception (Normal Admission Round)

The admissions process for applications to Reception in September 2024 is administered on behalf of the Trust by Durham County Council. You can find the admissions portal here.

In Year admissions 

Applications for an in-year admission must be made on a NELT In-Year Admission Form (download below).

The form must be fully completed and returned by email to [email protected] or by post to School Admissions, North East Learning Trust, Traynor House, Traynor Way, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 2RU.

Further advice and information regarding school admissions is available by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 0191 5634190 (Option 1).

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