
Year 4's USA day!

Date Published:
Thursday 10 June 2021

Before half term, Year 4 enjoyed a sunny trip around the USA, starting the day with a quiz to see how many states they could remember. Well done to Sam, who named the most with 33/50!

Afterwards, the children created information leaflets about the USA, using all the research they had gathered across the week before choosing features for the class to visit on Google Earth and Google Expedition. 

Another highlight of the day was the Road Trip USA reading scavenger hunt outside in the glorious sunshine. The children picked up their passports and visited 12 of the most popular cities in the US, gathering information as they went. 

The class topped off the day by attempting to make dream catchers which was harder than it looked but worth the effort!  

The children all looked amazing in their red, white and blue clothing! We are pleased to hear that this topic has been a favourite for many of the children.