
First aid champions!

Date Published:
Tuesday 04 May 2021
Asthma day

Yesterday was World Asthma Day and in the lead-up, Year 4 and 5 children have been taking part in the British Red Cross First Aid Champion sessions. 

In the sessions, children have been learning important first aid skills related to asthma attacks, bleeding, broken bones, burns, choking and head injuries. As well as looking at first aid, the sessions covered issues like the importance of kindness and how to stay safe and calm.

To link with World Asthma Day, our pupils focussed on the topic of asthma attacks. The year groups learned how to help someone if they were having an attack, using roleplay cards to practise their new skills.

Niamh said: "I didn't know a lot about first aid at the beginning but now I feel confident to help someone if they needed help." Bryce added: " I think it's good to learn first aid at school as you may come across situations like this in public."